Summer Science club - Silver CREST Award


When? August 8th – 19th – 6 sessions over 2 weeks (including 12 hours of independent work)

Where? Loughborough University STEMLabs and virtually on Zoom

What is it? Pathways will be running a Summer Science Club, where you’ll develop your own practical experiment and complete it in one of our university science spaces. This is a challenging programme, where students will be given a strict brief where they have to design their own experiment around it. Upon completion, you’ll receive a Science CREST award. You’ll also develop your transferable skills, visit state of the art university science labs, meet scientists, and learn about university science courses!

You must be willing to dedicate time to complete the accompanying CREST workbook, deliver a presentation, and design your own experiment in order to receive the Silver award.

Who is it for? Year 11, 12, and 13 Leicester and Leicestershire students

How can I apply? Click on the link below to submit your interest and we’ll be in touch closer to the event to let you know next steps.

PLEASE NOTE: This is a challenging programme, and students will be required to attend every session over the 2 week period and complete 12 hours of independent work in between these schedule sessions in order to qualify for the award. To see the full schedule, please go to the application link on the right hand side. If you have any further questions about the programme, please email, or visit to find out more.

Photo by: Louis Reed on Unsplash

After that session, I am thinking about University. I wasn’t before. I’m more confident now.
Year 10 Opportunity Participant