Take a look at the Pathways 2023/24 offer booklet to learn more about Pathways, meet the team and see what we can offer to students.
At various stages in your early life, there will be times when you will need to reflect on what you want for your
future. This section looks at how to make decisions and to choose from a range of possibilities.
Placement Opportunities – What is a Placement?
Placements are an opportunity to gain work experience which forms part of your course at University. Sometimes they can be referred to as a ‘sandwich course’, where your studies are ‘sandwiched’ around a year-long work placement.
Placements can increase your employability and help you when you come to apply for graduate jobs at the end of your degree.
Take a look at one of Loughborough University’s Student Ambassador’s placement experience by following this link:
Loughborough University – My Placement Journey
Study Abroad
University offers lots of exciting opportunities to travel and study abroad.
Do you fancy the challenge? Find out which countries you can visit and the benefits of studying in another country!
Loughborough University: http://www.lboro.ac.uk/study/undergraduate/why-study-here/study-abroad/
University of Leicester: https://www2.le.ac.uk/offices/international/overseas-exchange
De Montfort University: https://www.dmu.ac.uk/international/en/erasmusplus/study-abroad-programme.aspx
There are some amazing opportunities on offer to you at university, make sure you check them out!
Alternatively, can read some first hand experiences of studying abroad from Loughborough University’s Student Ambassadors:
Loughborough University – Physicist in America
Loughborough University – Drama Down Under!
Loughborough University – Taiwan, the Hidden Gem of East Asia
Why do people go onto Higher Education?
Higher Education (HE for short) is the continuation of study post the age of 18.
There are lot’s of different Higher Education Institutions, including Loughborough University, University of Leicester and De Montfort University. Across all the universities and colleges in the UK there are around 50,000 courses to choose from.
There are lots of reasons people choose to study Higher Education courses, and they will be quite personal from individual to individual.
Many people study at HE to access better employment prospects. For some jobs, having an HE qualification is necessary to gain employment, for example all new police officers in England and Wales will have to be educated to degree level.
But even if you don’t have a specific job or career in mind, you might find lots of benefits to staying in education. Check out our infographic above for some key reasons.
Alternatively, read up on some of our Student Ambassador’s experiences in HE and why HE was the right option for them:
Why HE – Medical Biochemistry – Aanisha
Why I chose to go into higher education – Kiran
Higher and Degree Apprenticeships
Choosing higher education after you complete your post-16 qualification doesn’t just mean going to university. Higher and degree apprenticeships allow you to gain a degree-level qualification whilst earning and working in an industry of your choice.
There are a variety of higher and degree apprenticeships to choose from and a number of post-16 routes that can lead you into them.
Download our student guide in the top right-hand corner to learn all about these apprenticeships and the benefits of choosing them.
You can also find out more information about applying for apprenticeships via Career Pilot’s “Get Information: Apprenticeships” site
These are a new type of study programme being phased in, called a T level Transition programme for 16–19-year-olds, and up to 24 for those with an EHCP.
They are tailored programmes with core aim to reflect the T Level route that they’re preparing for. They aim to provide young people with skills, experience, knowledge and behaviour to support progression onto T levels.
They are aimed at young people who have the potential but are not quite ready to start T level.
Supported internships are for young people with learning difficulties or learning disabilities, who want to get a job and need extra support to do this. These can offer supported internships.
Personal Statements
When applying to University you will have to submit a personal statement through UCAS. It is an opportunity to showcase to Admission Tutors your passion and enthusiasm for your chosen course and to highlight any transferrable skills that you have developed.
There is no one set formula for writing the perfect personal statement. It will require time, patience and several redrafts to ensure that it is the best representation of your capabilities.
Make sure you use a variety of examples to demonstrate what fuels your ambition, where they have acquired their skills from and how their current studies will complement their Higher Education choices.
UCAS has some great pointers for getting started on your personal statement
Student Finance – Applying for Student Finance
You will apply for student finance funding through Student Finance England. The deadline for applications is usually at the end of May.
Most full-time and part-time students can apply online to Student Finance England.
You will need to:
- Set up a student finance online account
- Log in and complete the online application
- Include your household income if needed. Your parent or partner will be asked to confirm these details
- Send in proof of identity, if needed
It can take up to six weeks for applications to be processed. Student Finance England will do an initial assessment, so you have some money as close to the start of your course as possible.
Take a look at Student Finance England’s YouTube channel for more information