We are super busy with lots of different projects, events and activities happening throughout the year. Below is just a small example of some of our current work.

Neurodivergent Pathways

Pathways are pleased to announce that young people can sign up for our Neurodivergent Pathways project starting Autumn/Winter 2023!

The project is a two month hybrid work experience programme for six SEND Year 10 students interested in a career in the creative sector, specifically within creative media and video production. The project is a collaboration between Pathways and Colab Creation and you can find out more and sign up by clicking here.

Sense College

We recently collaborated with Sense College and provided some of their learners with a bespoke 5 week programme culminating in a campus visit to Loughborough College. The inclusive, interactive and engaging programme aimed to broaden horizons and inspire the learners to consider their future options.

Summer Projects

We are funding, facilitating and leading nine different projects this summer:

  1. Aim Strong Sport Inclusivity Project
  2. Buzzing Roots – That Thing on Saturdays Arts Project
  3. Melton Learning Hub – Engage Summer Activities
  4. Pedestrian and Soft Touch Arts – Feel Good Summer Project.
  5. We’re working with Leicestershire Cares on two separate VIP* and Powered Up projects.
  6. We’re collaborating with the City and County Virtual Schools, Local Authorities and Locate Accommodation to bring some looked after children, young adult carers and unaccompanied asylum seeking children and young people to DMU campus during the summer.



*Here is a link to the video that the young people created on the Violence Intervention Lip Sync Animation Project.







If you’d like to work with us this year please contact us.


You can download our proposal form by clicking this link: Proposal Form 22-23
Fill in the form and return it to Ross (ross.harrison@dmu.ac.uk) and we’ll be in touch soon.


Read about our data sharing agreement by clicking on this link: Data Sharing Agreement – 2022-2023

Get in touch