For the past two years we’ve worked with Pedestrian and Soft Touch Arts who have partnered with staff from New College to identify Year 9 and above students specifically those:
- Who have a physical or learning disability (where higher education is an option)
- Are young carers
- Are looked after young people
- Are from disadvantaged areas not being served by university outreach
And aim to engage young people who do not typically look at higher education but are capable and need that additional support to engagement. During the last few years, those most socially and educationally disadvantaged have become more so. The closing of schools and switch to online learning and home schooling has detrimentally affected the education of young people who can least afford it.
The programme will comprise of one intensive week-long visual arts and music residencies in students’ own neighbourhood with four school outreach sessions involving two master classes/ talks from professionals working in relevant fields. The creative sessions will focus on creative activities with discussions on how to develop a career in the creative industries based on local music, visual arts and media degree courses such Music Technology, Fine Art, Design Craft, Music, Technology and Performance, Media Production and Media, Society and Culture. But also share information about other university courses. Young people will spend half of the week working with Pedestrian artists using music technology to create beats, lyrics, recording, etc. Young people will spend the other half of the week working with Soft Touch Arts artists to design accompanying logo, graphics, album cover, animation, etc.
You can read the evaluation reports for previous years by clicking on the following links: 2021 Feel Good Summer Evaluation Report and 2022 Feel Good Summer Evaluation Report.