All personal information you provide via the Website will be treated as private and confidential. Please see any pages where information is collected for further relevant information. Pathways may compile data in aggregate form so that Pathways may better understand users that visit the Website. Aggregate data is anonymous and does not contain any personal information that identifies users. Data is collected and stored by the Zoho Corporation Pvt. Ltd. form and Pathways, and will be processed and stored for the duration of the Uni Connect programme by Pathways.

Data is collected and stored by the Zoho Corporation Pvt. Ltd. form. Find out more at

Pathways will not sell, rent, trade or give away any user’s personal information or email lists to third parties without first obtaining the user’s consent. The Website contains links to other websites. Pathways is not responsible for the privacy practices and/or the content of such websites. You should exercise caution and look at the privacy statement applicable to the website in question.

Data Protection Information for Students

How we use participant data – Students   

Pathways is a project aimed at increasing the number of young people going into Higher Education under the Office for Students’ Uni Connect programme. Pathways consists of the University of Leicester, De Montfort University, Loughborough University and the Leicester College. Pathways is the programme which is being run in partnership with schools and colleges in Leicestershire and Rutland.

How will my personal information be used?  

We will collect the following information from you and/or your school/college: Full Name, Date of Birth, Postcode, Gender, Ethnicity, School/College Name and Email Address, for the purposes of:
– organising events/activities, including event selection;
– tracking future outcomes of event participants, including applications to Higher Education Institutions;
– monitoring and research including (but not limited to) evaluation of the impact of events/activities (including events not organised by Pathways);
– producing statistics, including event application and participation numbers, and participant outcomes; and  sending you additional information about the Pathways programme, as well as helpful resources relating to applying to Higher Education by email.

We consider the processing of your personal information for the above purposes to be necessary for the performance of tasks we carry out in the public interest (i.e. running events to promote access to Higher Education, informing students of their educational options and carrying out related evaluation, tracking and research. See Appendix A for more information on Pathways and our use of Public Task).

If you and/or your school/college are asked to provide any sensitive information about yourself, such as your ethnicity, health/disability status, religion, or sexual orientation, this will be held in identifiable form and is used solely for research purposes and for equalities monitoring, both by Pathways and as part of wider national research projects with appropriate conditions of access to the data.

Any other uses of this sensitive information (e.g. to make accessibility adjustments or otherwise facilitate your attendance) require your consent, which is given by you providing us with the information, having had the opportunity to read and understand this Notice and the Notice used at the beginning of any Pathways activity. The supply of such information will always be optional. If we ask for your photograph to be taken at any Pathways event, we will explain what we intend to use it for and seek your consent. We may use carefully selected third party service providers to run event bookings, or to contact you by email, but will always make sure they commit to comply with the law when handling your personal data.

Unless you have been told otherwise at the point of asking, there is no statutory or contractual requirement to supply us with any of your personal information. If we asked for your consent to use your personal information, you can withdraw this at any time by contacting us as

Pathways is a targeted programme for regions of historically low participation in Higher Education, and as such your postcode will be used as part of an automated decision-making process determining your eligibility for some elements of the programme. You have the right to ask us how this process works.

Who will my personal information be shared with?  

Pathways may share your data with third parties; including partner(s) with whom we may have collaborated to organise Pathways activities or research;   our national evaluation partners CFE Research (; and  the Department for Education ( and; the EMWPREP ( – East Midlands Widening Participation Evaluation Partnership) service for storage and any third party managing its database.

EMWPREP may share your data with CFE Research, EMWPREP service subscribers and approved researchers (with appropriate conditions of access to the data) for the same purposes as listed above and official custodians of education data (this includes government departments or agencies such as HESA ( or non-government organisations such as UCAS – for research purposes only.

Pathways and EMWPREP may link your data to records held by the National Pupil Database, Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS), the Higher Education Statistics Authority (HESA) and the Individualised Learner Record, which collect information about students from schools, colleges and universities. CFE Research would have access to this linked data through EMWPREP. This is done to better understand how the project is helping you, and other young people in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.

Pathways and third parties may publish aggregated data based on personal information from event applicants and/or participants, including analysis and research utilising these data, but the data will be anonymised and no information which could identify you will be published.

How long will my personal information be kept for?  
If you attend any particular event/ activity, we will only retain certain detailed information that we need for the purposes of event/activity administration for as long as necessary to serve that purpose. In order to conduct long-term evaluation, tracking and research about access to Higher Education, and in relation to certain events/initiatives only, we will retain your personal information as follows:
– until the end of the academic year in which you reach the age of 30 (or, if you are a mature student, for 10 years from the point you provide it);
– if you enter Higher Education within this time, until 15 years after you graduate.

After these periods, any personal information will be removed from our records, but we may continue to retain and process your information in an anonymised form.
If you wish to find out more about these uses of your personal data, or at any time wish to object to your data to be held and used, please contact us at:

Who will process my personal information?  

The information published here applies to the use of your personal information by Pathways, which constitutes the University of Leicester (, De Montfort University (, Loughborough University ( and Leicester College (

For the purposes of the data processing explained here, the universities are the data controllers. For the purposes of data linking by EMWPREP, they are the data controller.

How can I access my personal information?  

You have the right to access the personal information that is held about you by Pathways. Get in contact at if you want to access your data.
You also have the right to ask us to correct any inaccurate personal information we hold about you, to delete personal information, or otherwise restrict our processing, or to object to processing or to receive an electronic copy of the personal information you provided to us.

Who can I contact?  

If you have any questions about how your personal information is used, please contact the central Pathways team (

How do I complain?  

If you are not happy with the way your information is being handled please let us know. If you are not happy with our response, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office at Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, SK9 5AF (

Are changes made to this information?  
This information was last updated in September 2023

Appendix A  
Pathways collect and process personal information under the legal basis of Article 6 (1) (e) Public Interest; and special category data under Article 9 (2) (j) Research purposes, and Article 9 (2) (g) reasons of substantial public interest. This means that the processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority (Office for Students and Department for Education).






Image Capture Statement

The policy of Pathways and the institutions involved is that the rights of staff, students and visitors on a Pathways activity, or individuals and groups who are visited by Pathways’ representatives, should not be jeopardised by any Pathways activity. Pathways further recognises its responsibilities towards children and young people.

Images may be captured during events organised and hosted by Pathways and participating institutions using film photography, digital photography, video or other medium and may be used on the website, social media channels, university prospectus or course brochures, other publicity material (such as internal and external newsletters), exhibition of student work or graduation ceremony brochure and may be provided to the media for publication in local or national newspapers or educational magazines and other resources. The university acknowledges its responsibilities in capturing images by photography or other means under applicable law, include:

• The Human Rights Act 1998: Pathways recognises an individual’s rights to privacy as protected by this Act.

• The Data Protection Act 1998: Pathways and the institutions involved undertake to inform all those whose images may be recorded (or their parents/guardians if subjects are under 18 years of age) of the purposes for which the images may be used by Pathways.

In this context Pathways informs all persons taking part in university activities that they may be photographed, filmed, videoed or otherwise captured in image form, and unless express objections are received, individuals attending an event are deemed to have given their consent by remaining at the event. Any queries or complaints should be raised with the event host in the first instance.