Are you interested in applying for Medicine, Nursing, or another Allied Health Science course?

The hugely popular Junior Emergency Medicine (JEM) event is back for a half term edition in 2021!

Are you in Y11 or Y12? Are you interested in applying for Medicine, Nursing, or another Allied Health Science course? Do you want to experience emergency medicine and get advice from doctors, nurses and current students?

This is your opportunity to enhance your application to medicine, nursing or other allied health science courses, talk with leading healthcare professionals, and gain an understanding of what it is like working in A&E.

When does it take place?

Wednesday 2 June, 10.30am – 12.30pm
Thursday 3 June, 10.30am – 12.30pm
Saturday 5 June 2021, 10.00am – 2.00pm

By applying you agree that you can attend all three sessions to successfully complete the course.

What happens in each session?

There will be three live sessions.

Wednesday 2 June: Admissions Information and Advice – hear about the essentials that you need to know when thinking about applying to any health-based courses and careers.

Thursday 3 June: Student Panel Q&A – get the first-hand experience from students who are currently studying at university on a health course.

Saturday 5 June 2021: Live Experience with Professional Practitioners – run by a team of highly trained health practitioners, observe an emergency medicine scenario, and see how healthcare teams work together in the best interests of the patient. This observation is a way to gain experience in emergency medicine and even help you understand what working in health and care settings is like. The day will be broken up with a number of presentations, videos, and breakout discussions with current staff and students in the field.

As well as the live sessions, there will be an Edmodo Group that all successful applicants will be invited to join. This will be a private space to share relevant videos, sources, and links to further support the themes explored in the live session. There will also be resources there to guide you forward when you’re eventually ready to apply to the course of your choosing, and even a chance to build a community of our health practitioners of the future!

Who should apply?

We are looking for students in Y11 or Y12 who are considering applying for a Medicine, Nursing, Midwifery, or other allied health course in the next academic year or beyond.

If that sounds like you and you’re interested in taking part in this event, then click on the ‘Apply Now’ button on this page – places are limited and the deadline is Wednesday 26th May so don’t miss out!

After that session, I am thinking about University. I wasn’t before. I’m more confident now.
Year 10 Opportunity Participant