When? 6 sessions across 2 weeks:
Week 1:
Tuesday 12th April – 11:00am – 12:30pm – on Zoom
Wednesday 13th April – 11:00am – 12:30pm – on Zoom
Thursday 14th April – 11:00am – 12:30pm – on Zoom
Week 2:
Wednesday 20th April – 11:00am – 12:30pm – on Zoom
Thursday 21st April – 11:00am – 12:30pm – on Zoom
Friday 22nd April – 10:00am – 1:00pm – at De Montfort University*
Where? 5 sessions will take place virtually on Zoom and the final session will take place at De Montfort University

What is it? Pathways will be running a University Science experience, where you’ll work on a bath bomb fizzer experiment at home! You’ll also develop your transferable skills, meet scientists, explore university science facilities, and learn about university science courses! You’ll receive all science equipment before the programme begins. Upon completion, you’ll receive a Bronze CREST award.
You must be willing to dedicate time to complete the accompanying CREST workbook and be present during every session on Zoom and at De Montfort University on the final session in order to receive the Bronze award.
Who is it for? Year 10 and 11 students
How can I apply? Click on the link on the right to book your space and we’ll be in touch closer to the event to let you know next steps.
Please note: In the event of any of our events and clubs becoming oversubscribed, we must prioritise Uni Connect students. You can find out more about Uni Connect and how our targeting works here.
*Pathways may be able to support with transport to De Montfort University on the final session, so please get in touch if transport would be a barrier to you taking part in whole programme. Please email info@pathwaystohe.ac.uk