Pathways Virtual - Summer Science Club

When: 20 – 30 July 2021

Where: Online (Zoom & Edmodo)

Who: Year 10 and Year 11 students

Pathways are delivering a virtual, two-week Summer Science Club this July. This programme is designed to provide you with transferable skills and experiences you may have missed out on gaining this academic year, as well as providing you with innovative insights into the Sciences in further and higher education.

You will work on a practical Science project at home throughout the two-week programme. Alongside this, you will gain: an awareness of the broad range of career opportunities the Sciences can lead to, insights into taking a Science subject at further or higher education, and an overall knowledge enhancement of the subject area. You will also receive frequent information and guidance on university student life, such as student finance and budgeting, student support, and the benefits of engaging with extra-curricular activities.

In order for you to get an accurate reflection of student life, we will be utilising our student ambassadors from Science initiatives at our partnering Universities for participants to personally speak to and ask questions. We aim to provide you with this information through an online forum which you can refer to throughout the programme.

Throughout this programme we will be working towards completing a Bronze CREST award. Students who successfully attend all 6 live sessions and complete the practical project and workbook will receive their Bronze CREST award. This is a great award to include in college, university and job applications!

If you would like to book onto this activity, please click the BOOK NOW link on the right!

Deadline to apply – Monday 12 July at 5pm – BOOKINGS NOW CLOSED

(Priority will be given to UniConnect eligible students in the event we become oversubscribed).

Feedback from previous students:

“The club was a very useful experience to develop new skills and learn new theories and formulas as well as to learn more about the roles of scientists and careers linked to science.”

“It was a good experience, even if it wasn’t face-to-face. There was still a massive opportunity to develop skills and understand science more.”


All Live Sessions will take place from 10:00 – 11:30 on the following days:

Tuesday 20 July

Thursday 22 July

Friday 23 July

Tuesday 27 July

Thursday 29 July

Friday 30 July (Note: this session will finish at 12:00)


Keep an eye out for our social media channels to find out more

Twitter: @PathwaysEM

Instagram: @pathways_em

After that session, I am thinking about University. I wasn’t before. I’m more confident now.
Year 10 Opportunity Participant