What was our impact?  How will our learning inform Phase 3?

We’re pleased to publish the findings from our evaluation of Pathways during Uni Connect Phase 2.

During Phase 2 we ensured that all of our activities had measurable objectives that related back to our progression framework. We focused on outcomes rather than events, and by embedding evaluation into everything that we did, we were able to both measure success and use our learning to make changes to improve in the future.

Despite the pandemic, we formed and nurtured strong relationships with schools, which has resulted in a greater number of engagements with target students compared to Phase 1. In addition to our targeted outreach to school and college students, we launched our Outreach Hub:
·        A mapping exercise identified groups of students with additional needs;
·        We established relationships with stakeholders who work with these groups; and
·        We delivered activities to meet the needs we’d identified.

Our summary report presents the findings from our Phase 2 evaluation: (1) how we embedded evaluation into everything that we do; (2) the challenges due to the pandemic; (3) the impact of our project events; (4) the launch of our Outreach Hub, including a case study of our Junior Emergency Medicine activity; and (5) how we intend to use our learning to shape our plans for Phase 3.

We are proud of our achievements during Phase 2 and we’re looking forward to even greater things during Phase 3.

To read our summary report, click here: Pathways phase 2 evaluation summary (final version)

For an infographic of our headlines, click here: Pathways Phase 2 headlines 2019-2021 final

To access the full report, please email reach@leicester.ac.uk

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