On Thursday 18th April 2024, Pathways and the Careers Hub hosted the first ‘Leicester & Leicestershire SEND Transitions Conference’ at College Court in Leicester.
The conference brought together careers leaders, careers advisors, SENDCOs, teachers and professionals working with learners with special educational needs and disabilities within the Leicester & Leicestershire area to learn more about supporting learners in their transitions and best practices in the field of SEND careers education.
Speakers attended from local Colleges, Universities and employers and sessions included:
- ‘We Discover Transitions’ delivered by Laura Sherlock (Leicester & Leicestershire Careers Hub), Ruth Boodhoo (Connexions) & Zuber Ibrahim (Millgate School). This was a two-year research project delivered here in Leicestershire, which began in 2021 and was designed to build the confidence, skills, and knowledge of the young people with SEND progressively leading up to the point of transition. This session included the evidence and impact; experience of the tools and resources created; and provided information about what worked for our young people.
- Transitions to FE/HE delivered by Tina Sharpe (De Montfort University), Joanne Keogh & Fenella McCullough (Leicester College). This information session showcased the challenges and strategies involved in supporting students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) as they move from secondary education to further and higher education. Attendees gained valuable knowledge on best practices for ensuring the academic success and well-being of students with diverse learning needs as they navigate the shift to FE and HE settings.
- Transitions to Employment delivered by Rich Copson (Access Rating), Dan Lamoon & Eleanor Buswell (Colab Creation) and Sally-Anne Gough (Ellesmere College). This information session on transitions to employment for SEND learners focused on strategies and resources to help students with special educational needs and disabilities successfully enter the workforce. Discussions covered tailored support, vocational training, and partnerships with employers to facilitate a smooth transition. Attendees explored how to address individual needs, promote inclusion, and create opportunities for sustainable employment for SEND learners.
- Creating an Inclusive Careers Guidance Space delivered by Amanda Cheney at Talentino which covered: – Careers Landscape for young people with SEND / additional needs – Increasing the understanding of who young people with SEND are – Creating an Inclusive Careers Guidance space – Value Chain of early career development
- Introduction to Neurodiversity delivered by Emma Weaver at ADHD Foundation which covered: – co-occurrence, the female presentation and cognitive profiling – Key characteristics across all neurotypes and strategies to support at home, in work environments and educations setting. This session focused on providing practical tips that could be taken away and used.
- Social media, gaming and mental health delivered by Dave Green at Young Minds. This workshop was for any adult working with young people who wanted to understand young people’s use of technology and the impact this may have on their mental health and wellbeing. This workshop covered:- Exploring what we mean when we talk about young people and online activity – Considering the impact of social media and gaming on young people – Understanding the importance of talking to young people about their experiences online – Practical tips from young people and trusted adults about how to approach these discussions.
- Young people and feelings of anxiety delivered by Dave Green at Young Minds. This workshop aimed to explore knowledge, young person insights and practical tips when young people may experience feelings of anxiety. This workshop covered:- Exploring young people’s mental health and factors that can impact their mental health – Increasing your understanding of anxiety and what young people may be experiencing – Developing practical strategies when talking to young people about anxiety.
Pathways and Leicester & Leicestershire Careers Hub would like to thank everyone who gave up their time to speak, deliver and attend the day.
Please see below for a collection of photographs taken on the day: